Perhaps you weren’t paying attention, or maybe you were just running behind for the day and needed to get someplace quickly. No matter why it happened, if you are facing a speeding ticket, you may initially be upset about the actual fine you'll pay. However, you also have to think about the impact it can have on your car insurance. Drivers who speed are more likely to be involved in an accident, statistically speaking. This increases the amount of risk the driver presents to the insurance provider. As a direct result, auto insurance providers may charge more for these higher risk drivers. What can you do about it?
What to Do After a Speeding Ticket
Generally, the only thing you need to do after a speeding ticket is to pay your fine. You do not have to tell the auto insurance provider about your ticket. They will learn this information through other channels. It may take some time for this to occur, though, which can be a very good thing for you. Some carriers may increase auto insurance rates on your next policy. Other carriers may let one ticket slide, but they may charge you more if you accrue multiple tickets.
What About Driving Courses?
In many cases, tickets written for moving violations will create points on your license. Your state determines the number of points based on the incident. You may be able to take a driving safety course after receiving points. This type of driving instruction course is generally only offered to individuals one time. However, if you take it, you may be able to have those points removed or receive a discounted rate from your auto insurance carrier.
What you need to do is to be more diligent about driving safely. Unfortunately, a boost in car insurance rates can impact you for several years. That's why it’s so important to ensure you are consistently meeting all regulations and rules while on the road. Over time, though, these points can drop off your license and you'll be able to qualify for lower rates again. Talk to your agent about other discounts you may qualify for that could help to reduce costs.
Are you covered? Call Auto Insurance Discounters at (816) 252-2255 for more information on Kansas City auto insurance.