At Auto Insurance Discounters, we believe strongly in serving our community through more than just insurance policies. We are proud to be both a sponsor of and a volunteer at Hillcrest Transitional Housing.
Hillcrest Transitional Housing offers homeless families, singles & youth a disciplined educational program within a caring, supportive environment. Unlike many organizations whose focus is one-time or emergency care, Hillcrest’s primary objective is to move clients from homelessness to self-sufficiency within 90 days by addressing the total life situation of the homeless families they serve; longer term transitional housing options may be available to clients with excessive barriers to housing. Hillcrest also provides a transitional housing program for homeless teens and young adults, ages 16-20, who have an educational goal. This unique program offers housing & supportive services for up to 24 months.
In exchange for rent/utility-free housing, adults are required by written agreement to find full-time employment, obey program guidelines and attend weekly volunteer-taught classes in life skills, employment, community living and budgeting. Hillcrest also provides to clients in the transitioinal housing programs the following, through a network of community support: auto repair/donation, food pantry, medical assistance, dental work, GED classes, haircuts, glasses, school clothes, work uniforms, etc.
If you want to get involved with Hillcrest, check out their website.
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