Wednesday, February 11, 2015No matter where you live, there are times when precipitation leads to excess water on the roads. Whether a warm-up has caused a significant snow melt, a thunderstorm causes a downpour or there are simply drainage problems on the roadways, you can find yourself behind the wheel trying to control the vehicle while it hydroplanes. READ MORE >>
Monday, January 26, 2015Now that the craziness of the holiday season is over, it’s time to buckle down and make a business plan for 2015 to help keep your business on the path of success. Too full of cookies and egg nog to remember how to get started? We’ve compiled some tips to jog your memory and kickstart your new year. READ MORE >>
Monday, January 19, 2015More than ever, road rage is a problem on our highways. People under pressure at work and home may let off steam in one of the most dangerous situations—behind the wheel. Whether you're the one feeling angry or you're in another vehicle and you're at risk because of another person's actions, it's important to know what to do in the situation. READ MORE >>
Monday, January 12, 2015In order to drive safely you need to be able to see clearly. Many drivers sabotage their own visibility without even realizing it. Consider the following tips to ensure that you have full visibility when driving. Wiper Blades Wiper blades need to be changed regularly. READ MORE >>
Monday, January 5, 2015Twenty-eight percent of collisions are read-end collisions. Why? Because drivers do not react in time, which may be due to faulty brakes. Some drivers may not recognize the signs of faulty brakes. These can include a squealing sound coming from the wheel or taking longer to stop. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, December 23, 2014You cannot run a successful business without a staff that is committed to company goals. In fact, dedicated employees are nearly 90 percent less likely to leave the company. How can you motivate your employees and help them reach their full potential? Talk to Employees Individually READ MORE >>
Wednesday, December 17, 2014Did you know that 88 percent of consumers are influenced by online reviews when it comes to making a purchasing decision? Potential customers will often look up restaurants, mechanics, hair stylists, contractors and the like to see what other people are saying about them before visiting or contacting those businesses. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, December 3, 2014If you do a lot of driving in snowy areas, the chances are good that your car will occasionally get stuck in the snow. Smaller and lighter cars are especially prone to this problem. If you always carry a small snow shovel and some salt, sand or cat litter in your trunk, you shouldn't have any trouble getting your car unstuck even when there is no one around to help you. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, November 26, 2014You have been required to have SR-22 insurance and it's been two years. Do you remember what the requirements are to finish your SR-22 insurance term? It will vary some, depending on what the courts ordered. However, there are some things you need to be sure you are doing to finish the term required by the courts. READ MORE >>
Friday, November 21, 2014Every single business, big and small, faces risks on a daily basis. Construction crews operate large machinery, consultants handle clients' sensitive information, chefs slice up foods with sharp knives and even quiet office environments have less apparent hazards, such as fire risk and cyber threats. READ MORE >>
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