Wednesday, September 16, 2020 Summer is beginning to draw to a close. Here in the Midwest, we will soon see shorter days, cooler temperatures and increased inclement weather. Whenever you venture out, these changes might mean that you face higher driving risks. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 17, 2020 There is a lot of terminology that comes with car insurance that can be confusing, especially to new drivers. Many of these terms are used primarily by insurance agents, but it's useful for drivers to know what these terms mean and how they affect car insurance coverage and rates. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 3, 2020 You might have heard that one way to save money on your car insurance is to increase your deductibles. But while increasing your deductible might cut your premium, it could increase your financial burden for vehicle repairs. You should only set your deductibles based on your ability to pay for vehicle damage. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, May 20, 2020 Car insurance is a necessity that can be expensive. Everyone needs car insurance in order to drive legally on the road. But what happens if you can't afford car insurance? Unfortunately, driving without insurance isn't a viable option. Going without insurance can actually land you in even more trouble — both financially and legally. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, May 12, 2020Getting caught drinking and driving — and getting an SR-22 on your record — is no picnic. This song lays out the consequences. .video-container { position:relative; padding-bottom:56.25%; padding-top:30px; height:0; overflow:hidden; } . READ MORE >>
Wednesday, May 6, 2020 The idea of someone burglarizing your vehicle is scary. No one wants to think of themselves or their family being put in danger, or being left without their main mode of transportation. Unfortunately, theft happens even when you least expect it. It's important to know your next steps in case this ever happens to you or a family member. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 In some cases, ordinary vehicles can be considered commercial vehicles. Commercial vehicles simply refer to vehicles that are used primarily for work purposes. This usually includes big-rig trucks and semi-trucks but can extend to passenger vehicles and more. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 19, 2020 Certain drivers may find themselves required to carry SR-22 insurance after their license is suspended. When you purchase an SR-22, you must carry the amount of auto insurance required by your state. But, despite its name, an SR-22 isn't actually insurance. Nor is it a substitute for insurance. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 5, 2020 You may be required to carry an SR-22 if you have had a DUI or other traffic violations. And carrying an SR-22 can make your car insurance premiums skyrocket. This isn't due to the SR-22 itself, but rather due to the DUI. With an SR-22, you must carry auto insurance. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, January 22, 2020 Let's say your policy has lapsed and you haven't renewed it. Or maybe your car insurance premium grew too expensive, so you decided to cancel it and didn't purchase another policy. What happens when a police officer pulls you over and asks for proof of insurance in these cases? READ MORE >>
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