If you do a lot of driving in snowy areas, the chances are good that your car will occasionally get stuck in the snow. Smaller and lighter cars are especially prone to this problem. If you always carry a small snow shovel and some salt, sand or cat litter in your trunk, you shouldn't have any trouble getting your car unstuck even when there is no one around to help you.
Clear Snow from in Front and Behind the Wheels
Using your shovel, clear a path in front of the wheels. The path should be long enough to allow for your car to build up momentum in order to keep moving. You should also clear an area behind the wheels so that you can rock your car back and forth. If you have no shovel, you can push snow out of the way with your feet or improvise by using a floor mat to scoop snow away from the wheels.
Add Sand, Salt or Cat Litter
Whatever you are using for traction, sprinkle it in front and behind the drive wheels. If you don't have anything to use, look around for alternatives such as dirt, gravel, twigs, cardboard, wood chips, pine branches or other suitable debris.
Straighten Your Wheels
It is much easier for the tires to move your car when they are straightened out.
Move the Car Forward, Then Backward
Do not gun the engine when trying to move your car. All the horsepower in the world will not help when there is very little traction. Too much torque will only spin the wheels and dig them deeper into the snow. This causes ice to form beneath the tires. The trick is to apply as little torque as possible to get the car to move.
This means putting the car in its lowest gear and applying a very small amount of gas until the car moves forward a bit. At this point, apply the brake, set the car in reverse and then apply a small amount of gas until the car moves backward a bit. This is called rocking. Repeat this forward and backward motion. Every time this is repeated, you will notice that the distance covered gets larger until you can drive your car clear and you will be on your way.
If there is someone around to help, he can push the car from behind when you are rocking the car forward. He should not stand directly behind the wheels because they can kick back debris.
Be prepared this winter by always carrying a shovel and sand (or other traction material) in your trunk. Use some finesse when rocking your car and be light with the gas.
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