Auto Insurance Discounters Blog: sr-22
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Saturday, December 21, 2024How to Get Car Insurance After a DUI with an SR22 Getting car insurance after your license is suspended due to a DUI can be difficult. In many cases, the court that handles your DUI will require you to obtain and carry a SR22. What is a DUI? Why is it Dangerous? READ MORE >>
Friday, December 1, 2023One particularly devastating form of driving violation is a DUI. DUI charges stem from drivers who operate a vehicle while drunk or otherwise intoxicated. This is a serious driving mistake because intoxicated drivers are not in full control of their faculties. This impairment therefore makes vehicle operations unsafe. READ MORE >>
Sunday, October 15, 2023Driving is a public activity. You have to take responsibility for your duty to others’ safety. In the event of a problem on the road, more people than just yourself might become involved, after all. That could mean that your auto liability insurance comes into play. But, what if you don’t have it? READ MORE >>
Monday, August 14, 2023DUI charges can cause a driver’s insurance costs to go up. However, many drivers may not understand why this is the case. Though insurance penalties and lawful penalties differ, they still are often quite interconnected. Understanding Your DUI Risks in the Eyes of Insurers READ MORE >>
Friday, June 9, 2023If your state suspends your driver’s license, they revoke your right to drive. That means you don’t have any permission to get behind the wheel. Still, many people drive without a valid license every day. Basic needs might force them to do so. Yet, the penalties of driving on a suspended license might prove costly. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, April 19, 2023Say you have an accident and receive a DUI. You then receive a notification that the state now requires you to carry an SR-22. But what is an SR-22 and how do you get one? What Does an SR-22 Do? Often called SR-22 insurance, an SR-22 is proof that you carry car insurance. An SR-22 is not insurance. READ MORE >>
Monday, November 7, 2022Drivers with poor driving records may be required to offer a certificate of insurance to the state Department of Motor Vehicles. This certificate is called an SR-22. An SR-22 acts as proof of auto insurance from your insurance provider. It is not an insurance card that you carry with you when driving. READ MORE >>
Friday, October 7, 2022You rely on your car daily. From getting to work to taking your children to school, having the ability to drive is liberating. However, getting slapped with an SR-22 requirement may have you a little nervous about your ability to continue to drive. Although the matter is serious, driving safely is your ticket to overcoming your SR-22 requirement. READ MORE >>
Thursday, June 30, 2022If you get a particularly serious driving charge, you’re likely going to face penalties. Law enforcement takes highway safety seriously. And drivers who break the law must cope with the consequences. The SR-22 is nothing to ignore. Failing to carry one might cause you to lose your driving privileges. READ MORE >>
Friday, June 24, 2022SR-22 insurance is something most people do not learn about until there is a need to obtain it. It does not matter why you have to have SR-22 verification. You'll need to secure it if the Department of Motor Vehicles is requiring you to have it. If you have to get an SR-22, the DMV has determined you are a high-risk driver. READ MORE >>
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