Wednesday, February 28, 2024 Now that it is the new year, you’ve likely got to put your affairs in order. You’re probably going to renew a lot of services and pay a lot of bills. This is a great time of year to clean house and take care of major chores you sometimes neglect during the year. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, January 31, 2024Your car probably sits outdoors the majority of the time. That leaves it exposed to a lot of potential damage risks. And it isn’t just a car wreck that might damage the car. There are numerous damage hazards within your car’s everyday surroundings. READ MORE >>
Monday, January 15, 2024If you own a car, you are required by law to maintain liability coverage to help protect other people who may come to harm because of your actions on the road. Though this is the only coverage that is mandatory, it’s recommended that you purchase additional coverage to protect yourself and your investment in your car as well. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, November 1, 2023It's a good idea to review your car insurance policy if you plan to buy a new car, move to a new area or think you might need additional coverage. Let's consider the main types of auto insurance, so you can prepare for a discussion with your agent. Liability Insurance READ MORE >>
Wednesday, November 1, 2023Companies operating in Kansas City, KS and MO that use company vehicles are generally obligated to obtain commercial auto insurance policies in adherence to the regulations set by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association (FMCSA) and the state. READ MORE >>
Friday, September 1, 2023With the economy still lagging, everyone can benefit from saving a few bucks whenever possible. And, while car insurance is necessary—both to meet state requirements and for your own financial security—it would be helpful to pay less for it. READ MORE >>
Friday, April 14, 2023Moving to a new home can impact how much risk your vehicle faces. What worked for you in your old home might not work for you in your new one. Therefore, it is best to specifically review your auto policy during your move. Your auto insurance agent can help you update and adjust your coverage so that it remains effective in your new place. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 14, 2023If you commit a driving violation, you might have to get a SR-22. When you do, you’ll have to keep a car insurance policy active and linked to the SR-22. If you let your coverage lapse, then you could face significant penalties. SR-22s impose more stringent requirements on drivers than a simple rule to carry insurance. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 1, 2023Chances are you drive multiple times a day, which puts you at risk of being involved in a car accident. If you are not backed up by a reliable insurance policy, you can experience major financial issues if you do have a car accident. By not having auto insurance, you put yourself at risk for: READ MORE >>
Monday, January 9, 2023We’re all human, and we might all make mistakes behind the wheel from time to time. Still, those of us who get caught committing driving offenses must face the consequences, and at the times these penalties might include filing for an SR-22 certificate. READ MORE >>
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